This course is taught through fun, engaging activities and discussions about how to:
Actively Listen
Give and Receive feedback in positive ways
Develop a Growth Mindset
Respect Others
Examine Personal Values
Problem Solve Creatively
Make Decisions
Build a Sense of Ethics
Develop Teamwork Skills
Learn about past and present famous leaders, their struggles and what made them successful
In an ever fragmented and politically polarizing society today, we feel it is tantamount that children develop the tools to communicate their ideas effectively, take feedback and integrate it to improve themselves and most importantly, grow into adults that will make the world a better place.
Epic Enrichment Center believes that the Leadership and Life Skills Course and the Public Speaking Course complement each other in our aim to develop the whole child. We find that in addition to strong academics and hard work, the skills found in our 2 unique courses can effectively help students establish a path to become their personal best.
The Leadership and Life Skills Course addresses the internal component of development of values, social skills, group orientation and ethics.
The Public Speaking & Debate Course addresses the external component of developing poise, diction, organization of thoughts and ideas, express ideas in a logical manner, keeping cool under pressure, and learning to speak up on the spot.
Recommended Reading
Growth Mindset, by Carol Dweck, The New Psychology of Success, How We Can Learn to Fulfill Our Potential
Grit, by Angela Duckworth The Power of Passion and Perseverance
The Gift of Failure, Jessica Lahey How the Best Parents Learn to Let Go So their Children Can Succeed
Speak Up and Get Along!, by Scott Cooper How to build social skills
How to Raise an Adult, by Julie Lythcott-Haims
Jennifer Winward, who counsels students on the college application process, discusses the topic of Kindness as an important character trait.
See the Harvard Graduate School of Education’s report from the Team of MAKING CARING COMMON in May of 2019 “Turning the Tide II- How Parents and High Schools can Cultivate Ethical Character and Reduce Distress in the College Admissions Process” for an in-depth examination of this topic in the vanguard of the modern educational movement.